North East Management Officers (NEMO) Meeting
April 8, 2024
Chase Center on the Riverfront
Wilmington, Delaware

Meeting notes
1- Introductions
2- Updates on the network list
Diane French (Rutgers) is maintaining the NEMO Listserv
new email addresses to add to NEMO Listserv and network spreadsheet
remove those who have retired or left the college
Margarita at UMD (asked Rubie to share) is requesting members to include what financial and pre-award systems they use in their institutions, ex. WorkDay, Kuali, etc.
3- Update on the NEMO website
suggestion to add Best Practices
add other useful references
4- Kathleen (Rutgers) gave a heads up that she will be sending a request to directors to provide information on organizational structure, i.e., job descriptions, on-boarding process, etc. She asked that the NEMO members help the directors in providing the info.
5- Rick Rhodes talked about the Joint Summer meeting for research and Extension directors and CARET members that will be held in Providence, RI. The theme is "Building a Culture of Collaboration", with the goal of increasing productivity to feed the population and address climate change. Rick asked, "Do your directors know that you need to succeed?"
6- The 2024 NEMO Meeting will be held by Zoom. Cornell will host an in-person meeting in 2025.
List of meeting attendees:
Mike Last - Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
Bonnie Ferguson - Cornell University
Celeste Carmichael - Cornell University
Crystal Clark - Cornell University
Karen Holland - Delaware State University
David Leibovitz - NERA
Rick Rhodes - NERA
Hailey Guerriero - Penn State University
Jen McLaughlin - Penn State University
Kadie Bower - Penn State University
Kathryn Koetje-Simin - Penn State University
Susan Blesh - Penn State University
Vickee Barnhart - Penn State University
Kathlee Howell - Rutgers University
Michael Christian - Rutgers University
Rhonda Breen-Simone - Rutgers University
Alicia Huckle - University of Connecticut
Eva Wiggins - University of Connecticut
Winnie Lunt - University of Connecticut
Alison Brayfield - University of Delaware
Amanda Stamos - University of Delaware
Brooke Uhde - University of Delaware
Cindy O'Donnell - University of Delaware
Josie LaRue - University of Delaware
Alisha Targonski - University of Maine
Gloria Menchaca - University of Maine
Bonnie Negahban - University of Maryland
Dacia Randolph - University of Maryland
Elizabeth Friedel - University of Maryland
Linda Dawkins - University of Maryland
Rubie Mize - University of Maryland
Alexandra Martin - University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Laura Duck - University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Rebecca Selby - University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Tracie Bishop - University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Lauren Potter - University of Massachusetts
James McKane - University of New Hampshire
David Stone - West Virginia State University
Hannah Payne - West Virginia State University